Why You Should Opt For A Professional Ductless Installation

image of a professional ductless install

Ductless mini-split cooling and heating units provide all the advantages and more of a traditional HVAC system. However, they take up less space and don’t require ductwork. Nevertheless, it is important that you opt for professional ductless installation when you choose to invest in one of these systems.

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Ductless Mini-Split Wiring

HVAC contractor connecting wiring on ductless mini-split system

A popular and energy-efficient option for cooling and heating are ductless mini-splits. They consist of two parts, the indoor unit, and the outdoor unit. The outdoor unit holds the compressor and condenser. The indoor unit provides warm or cold air throughout the house. Mini-splits are more simple to install than central heating and cooling systems.…

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Ductless Mini Split Systems: What You Need To Know

Ductless air system

Recently, there has been much talk about ductless mini split systems for heating or cooling the home. But, most people are not quite sure what the system is or how it operates. Ductless mini split systems are easier on the budget than central air systems.

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