How To Reduce Indoor Humidity

mold on ceiling

There are a variety of adverse effects caused by high humidity. Humid conditions cause immediate personal discomfort and can make you ill. The heat and humidity of summer months is uncomfortable and makes it feel stuffy and you sweat. Although we can do nothing about outdoor humidity, there are options for controlling humid environments indoors. Our focus with this article is intended to highlight the health effects of high humidity and how you can use your air conditioner to reduce it. Click through to read more on this subject.

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Best Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality In The Winter

how to improve your indoor air quality in the winter

During the winter, most people spend a lot of time inside. Closed windows, heating systems, dust, and chemicals contribute to decreased indoor air quality.
Poor indoor air quality causes irritations of the eyes and lungs, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The damage doesn’t stop there; other poor air quality also causes other symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and dizziness.
You can prevent most of these harmful effects. Use the tips in this article to improve your indoor air quality this winter. Click through to read more on this topic.

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How Your AC Can Help Your Indoor Air Quality

HVAC help

An HVAC system does much more than cool and warm a building. Modern HVAC systems also help control the quality of indoor air. Indoor air quality is a vital part of a home’s comfort and health. IAQ is a combination of temperature control, cleanliness of the air, and odor control. The quality of indoor air can affect people’s comfort, health, and wallets.

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