Spring Is Coming: Time For An HVAC Tune-Up

This is the time of year when the snow will begin to melt away and after a long and burdensome series of winter storms and cold winds, the green lawns will start to appear once again. But with those days of fierce and harsh cold, we ‘re sure that you aren’t thinking about your air conditioning system. However, once the warmer temps of spring hit and the birds start waking us up in the morning with their songs, it is an ideal time to have your HVAC system serviced. Allentown HVAC tuneup, Stroudsburg HVAC tuneups or anywhere in between, now is the time to start thinking about making your appointment.

Scheduling an HVAC tune-up is a simple as calling R.F Ohl at (610) 624-4827.

Allentown HVAC Tuneup

Why perform regular HVAC Maintenance?

Efficiency is the first thing that comes to mind. Having an efficient heating and cooling system allows it to run at it’s optimal levels and helps you to conserve energy. Regular maintenance also helps to pro-long the unit’s lifespan.

There are a few things that you can do as a homeowner to keep you system in good shape. For example, you can replace the system’s air filters on a routine basis. However you’ll still need to call in the professionals to perform the actual tune-up. When it comes to actually tuning up the entire HVAC system, we recommend a regular schedule, or bi-annual to be specific. A good rule of thumb is to use daylight savings time as your reminder to schedule the tune-up. These are the ideal periods right before the peak of the heating and cooling seasons.

1 – Thermostat Setting

It is always recommended to have a programmable thermostat at home for your HVAC system. Using a thermostat means you are in total control of effectively heating your home for the winter and then cooling it for the summer. Part of the seasonal tune-up is checking the settings in order to guarantee that the system is indeed doing its function based on what it is programmed to do.

2 – Electrical Connections

Electrical and system components should likewise be inspected. Remember that broken or disconnected connections may result to inefficient or even inoperable HVAC system. Also, there will be greater possibility of component failure or even accidents.

3 – Lubrication

Any kind of machine or equipment with moving parts need lubrication and your HVAC is no exception. Know that if those moving parts lack lubrication, there will be more room for friction and it usually means affecting the entire system’s efficiency. Likewise, the lack of lubrication causes the moving parts to deteriorate and wear out faster than expected.

4 – Condensate Drain Inspection

Be reminded as well that when the drain for condensation in your air conditioner or heat pump is hindered and obstructed, the resulting problems will include not just water damage, but also high levels of humidity as well as mold and bacteria growth.

5 – System Startup and Shutdown Settings

In order to make sure there is optimal operation, the startup and shutdown cycles in your HVAC system must also be check in order to guarantee everything is running the way they’re supposed to.

6 – Moving Parts

All of the moving parts are inspected and if needed, they are adjusted to correct any loose or misalignment.

7 – Refrigerant

Your refrigerant levels are checked and if needed, refrigerant is added back into your system. We also look for and diagnosis leaks.

We are all looking forward to spring, but remember that the dog days of summer are just around the corner and that means the start of the air conditioning season. So take the time now to call for an HVAC tune-up so you can stay cool during the pending hot summer months. Click here for more information on our HVAC service plans.