How Your AC Can Help Your Indoor Air Quality

An HVAC system does much more than cool and warm a building. Modern HVAC systems also help control the quality of indoor air. Indoor air quality is a vital part of a home’s comfort and health. IAQ is a combination of temperature control, cleanliness of the air, and odor control. The quality of indoor air can affect people’s comfort, health, and wallets. All homeowners have to deal with some sort of IAQ and comfort issue. Fortunately, most of these issues can be addressed with regular HVAC maintenance by a certified and experienced technician.


Indoor Air Quality

Most people associate air pollution with the outdoors only. However, indoor pollutants are just as dangerous and common as those found outdoors are. A home should be an oasis and a refuge from the outside world. A place that is both clean and comfortable. Unfortunately, many homeowners fail to give adequate attention to how well their heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems work.

Indoor Air Pollutants

According to the EPA, indoor pollution sources that release microscopic particles and gases into the air are the major cause of IAQ problems in homes. Poor ventilation can increase pollution levels in a home. Some of the sources of indoor pollution include:

  • Household products
  • Pollen and mold
  • Pesticides
  • Materials used for building, such as lead, asbestos, and formaldehyde
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Gases such as carbon monoxide and radon

High temperatures and humidity levels can also increase the concentration of some pollutants. It is, therefore, important to allow enough fresh air into the house to dilute some of the indoor pollutants and carry them outside. Ironically, newer homes designed to limit the amount of air that can leak in or out of the house may have higher indoor air pollution levels than older homes that are drafty or leaky.

Effects Of Indoor Air Pollutants

The effects of indoor air quality may take time to show up. Some of the symptoms of poor indoor air quality may include unexplained headaches, irritation of the eyes, throat and nose, dizziness, and fatigue. Some effects can be fatal or debilitating, for example, carbon monoxide poisoning can kill. Fortunately, homeowners have several options to ensure that the quality of air in their homes is pollutant–free and healthy. Some of these options include:

  •  Eliminating individual sources of pollution
  •  Improving ventilation by opening windows and doors
  • Regular HVAC maintenance by a qualified technician
  • Use of additional air treating and cleaning equipment, such as humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air cleaners, and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Cleaning or changing the air filter at the beginning of every cooling and heating season

Homeowners can easily achieve their aim of a comfortable and healthy home by man repairing hvac
scheduling a maintenance service call with a reputable HVAC company. During the service call, technicians will be able to determine whether there are pollutants present in the house and recommend ways of dealing with the problem.

For any of your HVAC questions or concerns, contact R.F. Ohl. R.F. Ohl  specializes in the maintenance of HVAC systems and we can make sure that your indoor air quality is healthy for you and your family is at a discount price. We guarantee our work and can maintain any system, regardless of who installed it.